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Eastern Full Body Massage


60 Minutes

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This modality has its roots in Thai and Ayurvedic traditions which balance the energies of the whole body as opposed to the purely physical structure of muscle groups.

The Eastern tradition works on the principle of meridians and chakras; clearing energy blockages and trauma held in the body, as well as lymphatic drainage to promote overall health and wellness. It is said to reduce stress and anxiety, ease aches and pains, improve digestion and circulation; improve sleep and enhance cognitive function.

It is also said to help with symptoms of PMS and menopause.

This is a hands on therapy using firm strokes and massage oils. 

Tha Nemetona Earranta clàraichte ann an Alba | Oifis clàraichte aig 36 New Wynd, Montrose, DD10 8RB | Àireamh Clàraidh Companaidh SC469852

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